Friday, January 8, 2010

The language of texters.

Face it, most of us text. Some text more than others. Some go so far as to text in the shower! As our society gets lazier and lazier, we become more dependent on electronics and technology. We are even getting to where laziness is a factor in technology. For example, when texting someone instead of saying "hey I'll be right back" we shorten those 5 words down to "Brb" or "G2g". This isn't new us or anyone who is alive and breathing, we pretty much are just lazy when it comes down to texting. But more and more am I seeing it in everyday world and even dialect! It's becoming to some, an annoyance. Saying "OMG" instead of "Oh my gosh" is very annoying to a lot of people around you. Some think that it's insulting to intelligence. While others think that it's just normal tongue. What do you think of this new language or do you even think of it as a problem? Let me know in the comments! Have a wonderful day!
Much love!

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