Sunday, January 10, 2010

What is a Smorgasbord?

As some of you may know, the english definition of a "smorgasbord" means a diverse group of objects or things. But where did this quirky word come from? Well the term "smorgasbord" is actually Scandinavian. There it means a diverse table of food, or buffet. If you use the word "smorgasbord" there, you would actually be making a reference to a buffet. The term Smorgasbord is also used throughout the world meaning multiple things in certain regions. For example, The Canadian "Chinese Smorgasbord" is a buffet style used for Chinese cuisine. Of course we use it for just about anything. Sometimeschefs make a reference, or clerks use it at their store. Which is why my blog is called "your smorgasbord" meaning we can be taking a ride through pretty much anywhere!

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